
Hy-Q enjoys a range of highly active collaborations with world-leading research groups, which is witnessed by our publication list.

One particularly strong collaboration is with University of Basel (Prof. Richard Warburton) and University of Bochum (Profs. Andreas Wieck/Arne Ludwig). 

The Basel/Bochum/Copenhagen research teams are highly complementary bringing together expertise on ultra-high-quality quantum materials growth, semiconductor spin physics, and quantum optics, respectively.

Over the past 4 years, we have strongly consolidated this collaboration, which is implemented in the form of bi-weekly joint group meetings and a yearly 2-3 day get-together.

Additional active collaborations include Harvard, Cambridge, and ETH Zurich to highlight a few.

Start-up companies

The quantum photonics area is witnessing an increased interest from the private sector, and we are actively collaborating with several companies, e.g., within the Innovation Fund project FIRE-Q.

The start-up company Sparrow Quantum (launched in 2015) is a spin-out from our research team, is currently growing rapidly, and several joint projects with Hy-Q have been established.

We also collaborate with several other DNRF centers within the quantum area: with SPOC (DTU) we work on single-photon quantum key distribution and have demonstrated a field trial of our technology, as funded by Innovation Fund Denmark; with Qdev (NBI) we share nanofabrication facilities and work on molecular beam epitaxy quantum-materials growth; with CCQ (Aarhus University) we work on quantum nonlinear optics.